Sunday, August 10, 2008

Our first visitors

We haven't even lived here in Columbus for two weeks and we've already had our first visitors. One of my friends from high school was in Columbus to visit her brother and then off to see a Cincinnati Reds game, so we were able to meet up at Barnes and Noble for a few hours during their time here. The kids played with the trains---actually her son played with the trains and my kids ran all over! Wyatt decided to take all the jackets off of several books and Sadie wanted to run wherever I told her not to go. But we had a great time and it was so great to have people visiting us already!!


Our Family said...

Man, in some of those pictures I think that Sadie looks just like Elle - especially now that Elle is walking :) Let's talk soon!

Our Family said...

Man, in some of those pictures I think that Sadie looks just like Elle - especially now that Elle is walking :) Let's talk soon!