Monday, September 1, 2008

It's hear again!!!!

Saturday was one of my favorite days of the year....the beginning of college football!!! I could sit all day and watch college football games--and likely would if I had no kids to take care of. But it was especially fun being so close to a Big Ten school again. Matt and I grew up in Madison and every saturday that the Badgers had a home football game, the town just came alive and there was excitement everywhere. We have definitely missed that and after just one game, we are loving being so close to the action again. (No, we are not Buckeye fans for those of you who were concerned.) But the tailgating here does rival that in Madison. The stadium holds over 100,000 people and there are many people who tailgate that don't even have tickets. And to make it even more exciting, we live about 1.5 miles from the stadium, so the action was definitely noted by our place. And yes, the Buckeyes did win. But more importantly, so did the Badgers! We will be following the Badgers throughout the year, although I'm having to work on it with my kids--especially Sadie. Whenever we see Ohio State 'gear', Wyatt now says, "We don't care for the Buckeyes, do we Mommy?" but Sadie sees it and yells out "Buckeye!". I'm trying to convince myself that she's saying "Bucky" for "Bucky Badger" (the WI mascot) but her speech is becoming quite clear and I don't think that's what she means. We definitely need to get some more Wisconsin gear in our house so that she knows the difference!!


Anonymous said...

oh sades ... that breaks my heart! seriously do you want me to bring both kids WI shirts when i come next weekend?!?! just say the word and i will go get them each a few (just to make sure they don't grow out of the first one in the middle of the season)!

Anonymous said...

p.s. the badger game was great and i tried to take it all in before moving, including video taping varsity and jump around ... i did not take being at the game for granted one bit!