Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Rausty Naust

I'm not even sure if that's how you spell it and since Wyatt can't spell yet, I'm not sure we'll ever know how to spell it. But "the rausty naust" (and it has to have 'the' in front of it) came up at lunch the other day. We went out for lunch after church and Wyatt was eating chicken strips when he looked at Matt and said, "Ooh Dad, look, there's the rausty naust", pointing to the end of the chicken strip where it curved a bit. Matt looked at him and said, "The rausty naust!" (In a tone which sounded like he knew exactly what Wyatt was talking about). He continued, "Wyatt, that's the best part!"
Wyatt proceeded to explain to me, apparently the only one who didn't know what 'the rausty naust' was, that it is anything that is a bit curvy or pokey on the end of food. The curvy part of the chicken strip, the little curve on top of a dairy queen ice cream cone, etc...that's "the rausty naust".
As I write this now, Matt and I are just dying of laughter at how hilarious it was. As any of you who have read our blog in the past know, Wyatt loves to make up words and this ranks at the top of the list as one of the most creative yet. He even used it tonight at dinner...he had taken a bite of his brownie, leaving a small "appendage" which he told us was "the rausty naust". And his favorite part of making up these words is that Matt acts like he knows exactly what Wyatt is talking about--it's like their secret language that I have to ask questions to get in on.
So if you happen to be around Wyatt when he makes up one of his many "words", just go with it. He'll love you for it!

FYI---If you google "rausty naust", you'll get "Did you mean rusty nuts?" Is that what Wyatt meant after all??


Our Family said...

how funny - i laughed so hard reading this! what an imagination he has.... :)

Jessie said...

That is soo funny. I was laughing hysterically reading it. Kind of like the word scrumbly, you know the back tire kind of falling off of a tractor. Do you remember that? Wyatt and Jackson crack me up!!
How are you guys? Sounds like the move has been positive I will try to give you a call to catch up.
Take care!!

steph said...

kris - that is awesome. i was laughing out loud reading it. i think you should tape him saying it and post it b/c i want to hear his pronunciation of it. :) hope you are still enjoying Columbus! Steph