Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree!

On Saturday we headed up to my aunt and uncle's Christmas Tree Farm (where we've been getting our Christmas Trees every year of my life!). The weather was a bit warmer (high of 25 degrees) and it was a perfect day....sun shining, fresh snow on the ground, and the perfect tree waiting to be found. My parents were getting the tree for their house as well so we left with two trees. And we also met up with our good friends, the Kuchs, and had fun on the tractor and in the tree fields with them.

Coby, Erik and Matt

...and they're off...

I think this was our 5th tree....meaning, the 5th time that we said, "This is it!" yet kept looking just to make sure there wasn't a better one out there.

And thanks to my good friend Steph, this is where Blake spent the entire time. He did awesome, especially considering that we were out in the cold for about 2 hours and the poor guy wasn't moving a bit. But as Matt says, "Our kids are growing up in MN so they need to learn to like the cold"
...estimating the height...

...perfect size for Sadie...

Angie is 8 1/2 mos. pregnant and due in 2 1/2 weeks. Completely reminded us of our experience last year when I was 3 days overdue while we were up there looking for our tree. And now its Angie's turn! Too bad that tractor ride didn't induce labor for her.

This was the final tree. But of course Blake wasn't looking at the camera...what can you do?

What a beautiful view! There is nothing like the experience of cutting your own tree to not only build memories but also to experience God's beautiful creation.

In the gift shop with my aunt Adie. She is so sweet and each year she used to let us each pick out an ornament for ourselves and now she has my kids do the same. They love looking at ALL the ornaments and then selecting their favorite. And of course the hot cider and cookies are welcome after being out in the cold!