Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's that time of year...

Just before Blake's birthday, the kids and I made some Christmas cookies. And they were extra excited this year as my mother-in-law had gotten them each their own aprons (and one for Blake too, once he's big enough to help out). I have such great memories of doing this with my mom when I was younger and I am excited that the kids can now do much of it on their own and that they look forward to it each year now.

The best part? Eating the dough, of course!

It's such a process to make cut-out cookies (making the dough, refridgerate it, roll it and cut out the cookies, bake them, cool, decorate) that we usually have to do it over a day or two. The kids ended up decorating them right before dinner (whose idea was that?).

(Don't mind Sadie's tank-top....she likes to change her clothes at least once a day and this was what she had changed in to before her nap.)

The cookies turned out fabulous and are almost gone. I also made several other kinds of Christmas cookies/candies that are less kid-friendly as far as the baking goes. And for those who know my family and their love of my buckeyes, I made a double batch that is already gone and am in the process of making another batch. I don't know what I'm going to do when I have a 17yr old, 15yr old, and 13 yr old eating them!


Lindsay Borland said...

love these pic and it brings back memories of us doing this at home when we were kids!!