Thursday, December 9, 2010

1st Birthday Party

We had a party for Blake this past weekend and my in-laws as well as my brother-in-law came to help us celebrate. But since my parents and my sister weren't going to make it for the party, they gave Blake his gift while they were here for Thanksgiving.

Blake only wanted to climb on the presents

A gift for boys/men of all ages!

Now to his real party....of which Wyatt and Sadie were the most excited. They picked out what kind of cake he should have and of course, helped unwrap just about every gift (as well as helping to play with the gifts!)

Opening his gifts from Grammy and Papa

The highlight for him? Getting to help Daddy use the screwdriver. As soon as I pull that thing out of the drawer, he's like white on rice with it....and he doesn't want to let it go either!

Reading one of his new books with Daddy

Sadie enjoying some time with Papa

Finally starting to get the hang of opening gifts...just in time for Christmas

Trying out the "sit-n-spin" with Uncle Ty

I think we have a risk-taker on our hands
He is really into cars lately and loves to make the 'vroom' noises with him mouth...constantly
(hence the constant drool on my floors)

Wyatt and Sadie's pick for the cake...and man, was this easy! only 3 colors!

He wasn't too happy that Wyatt was holding his hand back from the candle

But he didn't hesitate to dig in

Again, using anything as a telephone

Practicing 'How old is Blake?"

I think he's got it down
We had a great birthday for him and are thankful to our families for being a part of it. It is funny how the parties get smaller and smaller as each kid comes along, but I would say its also so much more fun having older siblings to help celebrate. And I WELCOME the smaller parties since I enjoy making their birthdays special but without the hassle (and cost) of a big party. It was great to celebrate his 1st year of life and I am so excited about the next year. He is so much fun right now and walking everywhere! I survived another 1st year of my kids' lives (not my favorite year) and am now entering the 'fun' stage.