Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Blake

One year ago today we were sitting in Woodwinds hospital waiting for our 3rd child to come in to the world. And he made a very smooth and easy entrance--by far my easiest delivery. My first comment after he was born was, "I could do that again!" to which Matt replied, "Let's just wait and see how this one goes."

Blake was such a sweet baby and a great sleeper. He loved his miracle blanket!

My earliest crawler at 8 months old and now walking quite well at 1!

Blake was a pretty happy baby---when he didn't have an ear infection. Unfortunately, he has had 5 ear infections in his first year of life and we just had an appointment with an ENT this week. And yes, Blake will be getting tubes. He has been on antibiotics for 3 of the last 4 weeks and is a much happier and interactive baby. In just this short amount of time he seems to have learned so much, which I think is because he's not in so much pain. So next week he'll go in and get tubes and we are hoping this will alleviate much of his pain.
Still only 4 teeth at 1 yr.
...putting EVERYTHING in this mouth....
..and loves playing telephone with anything he can find....

Blake is one strong and tough kid. He already loves wrestling with his big brother and at times when I cringe and think, "Ooh, he's going to cry", he doesn't. But instead he just keeps going. It doesn't seem like there is much that will be able to hold this kid back. When he is determined to do something, he puts his mind to it and does it. We are so blessed to have Blake in our family and are excited to see what the Lord has planned for him. Happy Birthday Blakers!


Michelle said...

Happy (late) birthday to Blake! I can't believe he is one already! Maddie had to have tubes at 6 months old and Sammie had to have them at 5 months old and it made a HUGE difference, it was the best thing we could have done even though I wasn't sure about it at the time!