Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Do you know what your "philtrum" is??

I'm guessing that prior to reading this post, the only person who would know what a philtrum is is our ENT resident friend Bill. Most of us have never known the proper term for the skin between our noses and lips. But the other night at bedtime, Sadie felt it on her lip and asked us what it was. Matt and I both replied that it's just the skin between your nose and your lips. She wasn't content with that answer, so she persisted, "But what's it called?" So Wyatt entered the conversation and thought aloud, "Well, your nose is where snot comes out and this part (touching the philtrum) is shaped like a slide, so it's called a 'snot slide'." Snot slide is now an official term in our household, to be added to the Sorensen Dictionary which began with the Rausty Naust.


Michelle said...

That made me laugh out loud-snot slide-I love it! :)