Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Family Time--all 5 of us

Wyatt has made several comments over the past few months that he doesn't want anymore babies in our family. Matt and I are, of course, surprised by this since Blake is such an easy baby! But when we ask him why, he says, "Because Mommy doesn't get to do stuff with us because she always has to feed Blake" (referring to skating, skiing, playing in the snow, biking outside, etc). Little does Wyatt know that I actually dislike that part of having a baby as well.....I hate missing out on things and having to stay inside to feed a baby. Over the weekend we were heading out to look for some furniture for our deck and Wyatt said, "Mommy, are we all going?" When I told him yes, he said, "I don't even care what we do. I just want us all to be together." It has made Matt and I realize that often times one of us will go do something while the other watches the kids but we haven't spent much time doing things as an entire family since Blake was born. So last night we decided to try a family bike trip. We put Blake in his carseat and then put the carseat in the bike trailer with Sadie and it worked out great. Sadie loved being able to be in charge of Blake and Wyatt loved that we could all be together.

The big 2-wheeler!

Do you think Wyatt was pretty excited?