Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My kiddos

I took these pictures Saturday morning......the kids were still in their jammies and relaxing in the family room.

On a side note, our kids usually watch a TV show or two on saturday mornings and sometimes on weekday mornings. But about 2 weeks ago, I decided one morning to not turn the TV on (due to inspiration from a couple in our small group and a book I've been reading). That day has turned into 2 weeks of no TV and it's been awesome. The kids have been forced to become bored and then be creative on their own, play together more, and work out their disagreements. Sure, it has created more work for me in trying to settle their disputes or turn down requests to watch TV, but after about 3 days without it, they quit asking. Matt and I both love it and are excited to see how this change will continue to help our family grow closer. TV is just another outside influence that our kids don't need.....and neither do we! (except to watch the important sporting events in our lives:)


Our Family said...

I totally agree with the whole tv thing!!! Great move! :) Love the pics - they are ever so adorable - can't wait to see them/you again!

steph said...

nice move to have no tv. i am interested to hear more about it. :) love the kid's keens by the way!

Kiley said...

Your kids are darling! And you are such a good mom!