Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blake at 4 mos. old

Blake continues to be a great baby.....not much new this month...we go in for his 4 mos. checkup next week but he weighs about 18lbs, 6oz. I had to take him in to the dr. office last week (which is how I know his current weight) as I thought he might have an ear infection. He was waking up more frequently at night, which is so unusual for him. So i took him in only to find out that he doesn't have an ear infection but does have swollen gums! Wyatt and Sadie didn't get their first teeth until around 6mos. but this kid may be getting his already.....although it could just be movement of the teeth and they might not actually break through for a month of two. He is showing signs of being hungry as well, so we'll probably start him on cereal within the next week or so. Wyatt started cereal at 4mos. as well--those big babies just get hungry and need more sustenance than milk!

He started the month out like this.......almost rolling over but not quite there yet..

Watching some March Madness

...with Auntie Cam...

And I just took these pictures today.....and right after I took them he rolled over for the first time! Way to go Blake....Wyatt was so excited he started cheering for him which actually scared Blake! It was quite hilarious....