Tuesday, April 6, 2010


A few thoughts about Easter before I go on about our day.....

I took this picture on sunday amidst all the egg hunts, food, and fun we were having. What a wonderful picture God has given us in nature of what Easter means.......
For those of us living in certain parts of the Northern Hemisphere, Easter comes in springtime. How fitting that amidst all the dead grass and brown nature outside, easter time brings new life...I have noticed several little signs of 'life' this week when I've been running outside and have wanted to take pictures of them (but it's hard to run with a big camera!) Just looking at this flower, I couldn't help but think of the new life we can have in Christ as a result of Easter Sunday...new life, vibrant and filled with color, joy, and growth...only because of Christ's resurrection. But more about our day now....

Unfortunately Matt was on-call for Easter this year so we had to stay in town, but it ended up being a great day and he didn't get called in until around 9pm (not so great for him to have to do surgery until 1am on Easter sunday, but still great for the rest of us that it didn't cut in to our family time.)

We had an easter egg hunt around lunchtime with 3 other families in our neighborhood (have I mentioned that we have the GREATEST neighbors?)

It was pretty fun getting to have an egg hunt right in our own backyards!

Matt found a caterpillar and Sadie was quite anxious to hold it

Showing it off to the other girls

Enjoying the fruits of their labor

After lunch and naps, we went over to our 'extended family's' easter dinner. It's a bit complicated to explain how we are related, so I'll just say that Matt's grandpa Sorensen's sister (Barb) is the grandma of this family. One of Matt's best friends from college also happens to be Barb's grandson, making he and Matt something like 2nd cousins.....whatever it is, we are related! And it was great to have Easter with family since we couldn't be with our immediate families.

Sadie, Alivia, and Merritt

Our 1st family picture of all five of us (I had to take these pics since I have recently realized that we have NO pictures of all five of us together!)

And I'm also realizing that we'll never get a picture where all of us looks great.....it's a law of numbers, really..the more people we have in our family, the less likely we are to have a great picture of everyone!

The 2nd egg hunt of the day
(Laurie Merritt put together about 200 eggs! And there were only 8 kids, with 2 of them being too small to get many eggs)

Grandma (Barb) Merritt holding Blake