Sunday, June 9, 2013

She's getting married!

Yes, my youngest sister Mary Jo is getting married and the planning is in full swing. The wedding will be next November, which seems like forever away (for someone like me who lately couldn't tell you what's on the calendar for two days from now) but in wedding planning world, that's fairly soon! My sister wanted to get as many of the bridesmaids together to look at dresses, but with our other sister living in New Zealand and the other bridesmaids in New York and Colorado, we had to settle for getting three of us together. Mary Jo's future sister-in-law also lives up here in the cities, so MJ planned a day for us to all meet up here and go to some dress shops. My mom, MJ and another bridesmaid drove up here on Friday night and then we met Mary Jo's future mother-in-law and sister-in-law at the dress shops on Saturday. Of course Sadie got to come along and I am quite sure, as the pictures will attest to, that Sadie may have had the most fun out of anyone (and we all had a lot of fun!)

Mary Jo already found her dress, which is usually the hard part, so this outing was all about our dresses. And since Mary Jo is such a giving person, she wanted us all to like the dress that she would eventually pick for us to wear. Of course we kept telling her to pick whichever she liked best, but if you know a truly selfless person, you know how well that advice goes!
Sadie and the bride, Aunt Mary Jo
We tried on lots of dresses, but thankfully everyone had similar tastes and Mary Jo also had some great ideas about what she did/didn't like. Sadie was just happy to keep trying on new dresses every few minutes.
me and my girl
Sadie had my camera for a bit and found this dress pic-worthy
Lunch with the ladies at D'Amico (mmmmm....just makes me hungry thinking about it!)
We went to the infamous "Wedding Shoppe" in St Paul, where virtually every bride in the twin cities goes, and narrowed our options down to 2 or 3 different dresses there. We had lunch and had some time before our next appointment, so I called a friend of mine who works at a beautiful little bridal boutique in St Paul (where coincidentally we ordered the bridesmaid's dresses for my sister Lindsay's wedding) and she had some time to squeeze us in. 
I love this shop for all the little girlie touches and for things like this....
I LOVE hats and often wish I lived down south where they are more socially acceptable....or maybe Matt could just take me to the Kentucky Derby someday!

Mom rocked a black one!
Ok, back to business on finding a dress....we tried on a few here and they were all gorgeous. 
Mary Jo even found some for the rehearsal dinner
But Sadie loved this shop for all the extra attention my friend Stacie gave her...adding sashes and accessories with each one
What a fun place!
Sadie loved this giant mirror in the shop
After we determined that the top 2 dresses at Che Bella (the boutique) were now our favorites, we headed over to our 2nd official appointment of the day. Rachel (Mary Jo's future sister-in-law) and Mrs. Kronberger (Mary Jo's future mother-in-law) had to run home to pick up Rachel's daughter, Morgan, while we were at Che Bella. So they met up with us at the next place and brought Morgan along with---Sadie had been waiting for this moment all day!! Finally, a baby girl to hold and play with!
Sadie did a great job holding Morgan, but she was getting a bit squirmy for Sadie, so Sadie happily got right down to business trying on dresses. Ironically, there weren't any bridesmaid's dresses at this shop that any of us liked better than the two at Che Bella, but Sadie found plenty!
Sadie loved standing on the boxes with all the brides in the shop!

And since everyone working at these shops seems to love giving Sadie all the extra attention, the woman who was helping us went and got a crinoline skirt to put under Sadie's dress for some added volume. With this girl, the fancier the better!
And then Nani found this 'cape' to complete her outfit.
Before we ended the day, we went back to Che Bella to try the dresses on again and make sure Rachel was able to see them as well. We were all happy to return to such a fun place!
(The bride--Mary Jo and Sades and I)

And of course Sadie took one last opportunity to try on another dress, accessorized by Stacie
Happy to pose for Nani (or anyone else who might want to take a picture)
And fully enjoying the snacks and sparkling lemonade
Mary Jo--what a fun day it was! Can't wait until the big day in November!