Friday, June 14, 2013

Saying goodbye

I've mentioned a few times on the blog that this summer is going to be tough one as my two closest friends are moving. After I found out they'd both be moving, our next door neighbor came over one night and told us he was taking a new job promotion and his family would be moving to Indiana. Seriously, what is going on? Is it us? Just kidding about that second part, but this summer is going to be a tough one and I am not looking forward to it. I'm sure the Lord has great plans for other friends for me and teaching me to trust Him with these things, but it's just not fun. 
Our next door neighbors have become more than neighbors, but true friends. The Park family moved in the same week we did and had a little girl about Sadie's age. However, when they moved in, KeeJoo (the father) was the only who spoke english. His wife and daughter were so sweet and always smiled when we talked to them, but the language barrier made things pretty tough. Their daughter, Cheeun, enrolled in a Montessori preschool and quickly picked up English. Once she did, her and Sadie became great friends and we'd often find them giggling and playing together in the yard. Cheeun even came to AWANA with Sadie for awhile and we've loved having them as neighbors. KeeJoo is very talkative and once we got to know him, quickly came to appreciate his dry sense of humor and endless stories. Since this was their time owning a home in the states, Matt would help KeeJoo out around their yard/house and remind him of maintenance-type things that needed to be done and KeeJoo was always so appreciative. Then last year when baby Alex (their son) was born, we were their on-call people to watch Cheeun when they went into labor and we ended up having Cheeun for quite awhile since there were some complications. Everything turned out great but there were a few moments when they didn't know if Sunjean was going to make it. And knowing that Cheeun was safe with us meant so much to them. We of course were happy to help and loved having her here, but after that day it seemed our relationship with them was on a different level and right up until the day they left, they continued to thank us for that day with tears in their eyes. We've had them join us for Thanksgiving, barbecues, Halloween festivities and the like. So seeing them leave was pretty tough.
One last meal with the Park family
A few pictures of Cheeun and Sadie
Think these girls are gonna miss each other?
We were so sad to see them leave and I don't think it will really sink in until tomorrow when our new neighbors move in--who, coincidentally, have a 9,6,and 3 year old!