Sunday, June 2, 2013

Nicer weather

To say that the weather this spring has been erratic would be an day we wake up and it's 80 and humid and today, June 2nd, the high is 67. So when we have had nice weather, we really have taken advantage of it.
We finally took down our Christmas lights in mid-May---the first time we didn't have snow covering everything! Matt texted me this picture of Wyatt helping out--good thing I didn't see this at the time because I think I would have freaked out seeing him up on that big ladder. But clearly he enjoyed it!
The ice cream truck came out of hibernation and has been making some serious bank since we are all just so thrilled to have warmer weather! (Talk about catching parents at their weakest!) Don't you just love how Blake is looking at Wyatt? 
Matt has been having his quiet times out on the porch in the mornings and one day I came out to find Blake sitting there with his Bible in his lap, flipping through the pages and 'reading' a story. It's times like this that remind me how blessed I am to have a husband who sets such a great example for our kids and clearly, they are emulating it already.
We've been playing lots of Monopoly fun to play with the kids but of course they want to leave our game sitting out for days at a time and then I just get sick of it and clean it up! It's interesting to watch the difference between Wyatt and Sadie---one wants to save their money and not buy any properties other than Boardwalk and Park Place and the other wants to buy any properties and doesn't care if they run out of money...can you guess which is which?
Sadie had her friend Teagan over for a day while Teagan's mom had to work and these girls had so much fun playing princess and dancing all day!


Lindsay Borland said...

love that Blakers even has his legs crossed & flip flops on just like Matt!