Sunday, June 9, 2013

Batter up!

This picture doesn't really have anything to do with this post--I just had to put it in here to say that Uncle Ty is a great brother-in-law! I recently bought two kayaks for Stormy Lake on craigslist but I've been weary of picking things up (from Craigslist sellers) by myself because of all the weird stuff you hear about. And I'm pretty trusting of people, which worries Matt most of the time, so I thought I'd be extra cautious this time. Thankfully the guy selling them was up in Arden Hills, right by Bethel, so Ty graciously accompanied me. I was able to squeeze both kayaks inside my car, but only with the front seat all the way up---Ty had to sit sideways to fit in the car but he was such a good sport!
 He's been living with us for the last two weeks, since classes finished, but will be leaving tomorrow morning to head back to Kanakuk for one final summer of being a counselor. We are going to miss him so much but know those campers will be so blessed to had him! 
On with my post....I took a few pictures the other day at Wyatt's baseball game. Although he'll tell you that he likes hockey a lot better, he still enjoys playing baseball and was excited to finally get a uniform with a belt this year (as opposed to the elastic waist and t-shirt in the past). This year is the first year of machine pitch, which means only one more season until kid-pitch. He's been having fun practicing pitching with Matt at the field across the street and seems to really enjoy it, especially being a 'south paw' and knowing that if he's good, he'll definitely find a spot on just about any team!
I couldn't get over how old he looked in this picture as he cheered on his teammates.