Sunday, February 24, 2013

Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day, I had a chance to volunteer in Wyatt's classroom for their class party and of course Blake joined me. My friend Dixie and I were in charge of making the kids' 'strawberry floats' which consisted of strawberry pop (which I didn't even know about!), ice cream, Twizzlers for their straws, cherries and whip cream---lots of sugar but they looked so festive!
Wyatt loves when I come into his classroom but he also loves having Blake around and he did a great job of including Blake in his class. 
They got to watch the Charlie Brown Valentine's movie and Wyatt immediately gave up his desk chair for Blake and sat on the floor in front of him.
Wyatt basically squatted down next to his friend Noah so that Blake could sit in his desk and watch the movie. It was so sweet and I have to say that these two boys (Wyatt and Blake) have had a special bond ever since we brought Blake home from the hospital. Blake used to sit in his bouncy seat and his eyes would follow Wyatt around the room regardless of who else was around and what was going on. And to this day, Wyatt is always looking out for Blake and including him on things even with his friends. At times I feel bad for Sadie because she is sometimes left out but I am mostly thankful for the bond these two share and hopefully will for the rest of their lives.
Do you think Blake enjoyed 'being one of the big kids'?
Since Sadie's school is only half-day, they didn't have a real party but a few activities. When the kids came home with all their candy and crafts, I found this and couldn't help but be thankful for how Sadie clearly feels about her Uncle Ty. She is always excited to see him and I am thankful for his willingness to give Sadie a limitless number of hugs---her love language is definitely 'physical touch' and she loves hugs. Ty knows this and always welcomes her endless requests for hugs! Clearly it means a lot to her as well!