Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Enjoying winter

As I said in a previous post, we have been getting lots of snow and we are SO thankful for it. We are also so blessed to live less than 10 minutes away from Afton Alps and have been enjoying lots of family time out there. A few pics documenting some 'firsts'....
Blake's first chairlift ride

Blake is doing a great job learning how to truly carve on his skis and can direct himself perfectly....still no desire to stop and he always tells Matt he wants to go straight down the hill. He can ski almost any run at Afton now--I am just thankful he's still on the ski trainer so Matt can stop him. He loves it and asks almost daily when we can go again.
This last Saturday we met up with our good friends from church, the Statemas, and two of their boys. We all had a blast and the kids had so much fun skiing together.
Sadie has come A LONG way this season and is now confident enough on her own to turn back and forth down the mountain, gain a little speed, and even ride the chairlift by herself!!! (see the last picture)
On the lift (so hard to look when it's sunny!)
Wyatt wanted to snowboard again this Saturday--he has been doing a great job and we are so proud of him for wanting to try something new, but he realized how hard it was to keep up to everyone when we all skied together and I think he may be sticking with skiing for now.
Sades on the lift, all by herself!!

We've also been doing a fair amount of sledding and one day when Matt was out of town, I took a few videos to send to him....this was my favorite...Blake flying down the hill face first and Wyatt laughing hysterically!!


Lindsay Borland said...

love the family skiing pics!