Sunday, February 24, 2013


Matt and I have been trying to make a more concerted effort to go on dates with our kids--the one-on-one time is so valuable and it gives each of our kids an opportunity to really be themselves instead of competing for our attention or reacting to their siblings. 
So when I asked Sadie what she thought we should do together, she immediately asked if we could go to the pottery store and paint something. (We did this once last year and she still talks about it).
So after church last Sunday, we went out for lunch together and then to the pottery place. I did my very best to control my Type-A personality and let her pick what she wanted to paint as well as how she wanted to paint it. (I'm sure some of you can't understand this but it was VERY tough for me to hold me tongue!)
She picked out a high heeled shoe and then also a bow to glue on it. (Confession: I did ask her what she would do with a high-heel painted shoe and she quickly replied, "Put all my lip glosses in it!" so I went with it).
Here she is coloring the bow
You can see the high heel shoe on the table in this picture...but she loved being there so much that she wanted to keep adding things to the shoe just so that we could paint more. I really didn't think we could add much more so I let her pick out a small magnet to paint---she picked this sun hat and took as much time as she possibly could to finish it. Honestly, she LOVES this place!
And I had to take this picture quick--So thankful for a daughter who LOVES color of all kinds and brings so much beauty to everything around her.
Do you think she had fun?
She really didn't want to go home to the boys but we had to get back so Wyatt and Matt could go to the WILD game that night for their date.

I just got a call today that our pottery is done and Sadie is beyond excited to go pick it up! (It's kinda nice that our date is kind of two-in-one since we get to go back and see our finished product!)


Lindsay Borland said...

she looks like she is in her own little world in some of these pictures! And sweet Sades loves to pose!!!