Sunday, February 24, 2013

A little slice of life

We have been doing quite a bit of this lately.....

due to all the snow we have been getting (but we definitely are NOT complaining. After last winter, we are even more thankful for every inch of snow we get!)
And I seem to be finding Blake in the oddest places lately....
For whatever reason, he will often climb under tables and lie down...and he'll do it anywhere....our house, restaurants, stores....if he can fit, he'll go there!

Wyatt had a chance to play goalie at one of his games recently. The kids all look forward to trying it out if they want to, mostly I think because the gear is the coolest! He definitely is a defensive-minded player and pays a lot of attention to how goalies position themselves, so I thought he might be pretty good. He did a great job and his team tied their first game and won their second game. Yet despite the favorable outcomes, he said he didn't have a desire to play goalie again because you just 'stand there in one spot and don't get to skate around'. (And thank goodness because being a goalie is EXPENSIVE!!)
Sadie still loves her babies--I took this picture at a stoplight one day when I turned around and saw three of them with her! Sadie always brings several things into the car with her so I don't always pay attention to what they are, but Wyatt is quick to comment about all the 'stuff' Sadie leaves in the back seat of the car that makes it a mess..everything from food to markers to crayons to flashlights to purses to notebooks to her 'diary' to babies and their car seats....Phew, that's a lot to keep track of!
My in-laws came up to the cities to watch Uncle Ty play in one of his last games this season and the kids loved watching from this angle

Speaking of lots of snow, we finally got some great packing snow and made ourself a snowman!
Last week our friends Steph and Bill (who we went on our ski trip with) took off on another fun getaway to Arizona for a few days and their kids stayed with Bill's parents up here in Hudson. Watching a 3-year old and 2 22-month old twins is a lot of work, so I invited Laura (Bill's mom, aka Bubba) over one morning with all the kids. We had a great time! Sadie loves to 'babysit' the girls and help them as much as she can and Blake and Charlie had a blast playing together!

Ellie, Sadie and Claire
This is Claire's smile--so stinkin' cute!
Laura took this picture and texted it to Steph---we were so happy to have them all over for the morning and the kids had so much fun! (Hopefully Bubba appreciated the break!)