Monday, February 4, 2013

A family of skiers

As I said, January has been a super busy month for us. Yes, I would say it's been a learning experience of what NOT to do, but we have also had some things come up that weren't planned that lead to an even busier month. BUT...the 2nd weekend in January, Matt was speaking at a conference and Sadie had ski school that saturday morning. (Matt taught Wyatt how to ski but we found that Sadie would do better with a non-family member teaching her and boy, were we right!) Since Matt was out of town, I wasn't sure what I was going to do with the 2 boys sitting inside the chalet for 2 hours. I knew Wyatt would want to ski and I wanted to teach Blake, but knew that Wyatt would be bored to death on the bunny hill all day and there was no way I was going to take Blake up the hill by myself on his first time. I didn't say anything about my thoughts to the kids but it was as if Wyatt knew the dilemma and asked if he could try snowboarding. I was reluctant at first, but Matt thought it was a great idea. SO Wyatt had a snowboard lesson (he ended up being the only one in his class), Sadie had ski school and Blake and I hung out on the bunny hill. The poor boy was so tired of waiting by the time he and I headed out. We had to rent Wyatt's snowboard and get both Wyatt and Sadie to their groups before he and I could get going. I had to take this picture of him....
After all that work just getting everyone ready, he was in need of a good snack. So we headed back to the car to get my skis and get him a bit of snack. But thankfully he was still excited to get out there.
SO stinkin' cute on the magic carpet
You gotta love the huge goggles on his little face! But they certainly kept him warm and he loved every minute of it. I wasn't sure how I would do skiing backwards but I actually did ok (it is the bunny hill, after all!) He loved skiing but had NO desire to learn how to stop. He just kept wanting to go faster and faster. He did want to ride the chair lift and I told him he could only ride it if he learned how to stop on his own. Let's just say that never happened that day, but hopefully next time it will!
One happy guy when we were done and waiting for the big kids. I'd say we've got a skier on our hands.
As a side note, Wyatt ended up loving snowboarding and went again the next week with Matt for a day. We will see which one he sticks with but I am secretly hoping it's skiing.