Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Return to Stormy Lake

The day after we had everyone over to our house for the HOG trip cookout, we left to go back to Stormy Lake for a 3-day weekend. 

We did LOTS of kayaking--Wyatt's favorite activity at Stormy.
(this particular trip was fun for me...Wyatt and Sadie in one kayak and Blake and I in the other!)
Lots of fun playing in the boat....Blake is dying to get out and 'really' ski and Wyatt is learning how to be a pretty great boat driver
Always stylin'
..and always with a baby in her arms!
..and Blake's favorite sleeping spot...underneath the steering column..
..no wind and the nice soothing lull of the motor
More kayaking...while the younger kids napped, Matt and Wyatt kayaked all the way out to the point and back. Those kayak trips have become precious moments between Matt and Wyatt--Wyatt seems to reveal his most inner thoughts with Matt on these trips out the middle of the lake. And each time they come back, it seems as though Wyatt is a bit more mature and grown up.
The confidence could also come from his new-found love of skiing....even going outside the wake!!

I had to take this picture because it just shows how far he has come. Just 4 years ago, Wyatt would go into swimming lessons kicking and screaming and didn't want to get anywhere near water without me holding him. And now...floating out in the lake, by himself, behind the boat. It's a picture that doesn't look like much, but reminds me just how far he has come! So proud of him and the fears he has overcome. 
And with Sadie, it isn't fear that keeps her from doing anything as much as just her 'feeling' like she wants to or not. Well, no options at Stormy! And she was a great skier...smiles and all!!

Matt and Blake headed out
The boys
Matt and Sades

And this poor guy would be skiing yesterday if we let him! I think he's trying to prove to all of us that he's ready. Next year, buddy!
Sadie doing what she does best.....performing in her own little world. She was using the pole on the dock as a microphone and had no idea I was taking this picture. I took a few just to show her 'performing'...notice how her legs shifted...yes, she was rockin' it!

It was also a fun weekend with friends! We are always commenting on how small the world of Stormy Lake is and it never ceases to amaze us. So follow me here....Josh and Kim Agrimson are a couple in our new small group at church. Kim's family has a cabin on Stormy Lake and she spent her entire childhood going up there in the summers! Crazy!! But on top of that, Josh is 1st cousins with my good friend Jen Lundquist! So while we were up at Stormy that weekend, both the Agrimsons and Lundquists came up as well. Sadie and Wyatt were SO excited to see Kael and Elli at Stormy Lake. We met up one night for a bonfire and smores.
Another amazing weekend at Stormy!


Grant and Jenni said...

The fact you said Wyatt was kicking and screaming about swimming four years ago gives me hope for Lane - maybe it's an oldest child thing plus personality? Lane is very timid of the water and I'm hoping he'll like it more and more. We put Corbin in the water this summer and he could have spent the whole day in it...go figure.