Wednesday, October 3, 2012


So in between all of our crazy travels, life actually happened. Normal, everyday things that happen with young kids. A few of them...

Wyatt lost his 3rd tooth, but it was his first front tooth. Again, he was nervous about it but it all went well. He wouldn't eat corn, though, for several weeks before it fell out for fear that he might swallow it.
Blake continued his obsession with the mower...he had pushed it down this hill next to our house and was attempting to push it back up. It was comical to watch.

And doing it without pants on, nonetheless. Yes, that is another thing we squeezed in this August--potty training! And although the first day really tried my patience, as it always does, by day three he was fully trained during the day and at night. He was by far my easiest to potty train and I am happy to announce that I am done with diapers!! Woohoo!
..holding the soccer ball with his teeth..

Sadie, as we were driving in the car, commented about our country's king. I spent several minutes explaining a monarchy vs. a president and tried to get her to understand that we don't have a king. But then she responded to me, "Mom, Yes We Do! Jesus is our king Mom. He's the King of the whole world." So precious!

And another sweet comment from Sadie. Out of the blue, she was playing one day and said, while looking at her toys, "Mommy, I hope I have a voice like you someday. You have a pretty voice." Sadie obviously has no idea that I have always hated my deep voice, as I would have people mistake me for a boy on the phone when I was younger. So hearing that from her makes it even more special!