Friday, September 28, 2012

First HOG Trip

Matt and I got home from our trip on a Monday evening and Tuesday evening, Matt headed out on his first HOG trip. It was only a day-long trip and the timing wasn't great, but the purpose of the trip was because Matt Newman, one of Matt's good friends from college, was in town for a few days. (Ironically, Matt's parents were good friend's of my parents when we all lived in Green Bay, back when Matt (Newman) and I were kiddos. Crazy small world!)
I asked Matt to make sure they took a few pics on their trip...and this is what I got. 
Erik Kuch shooting himself in the head--lovin' that they ate at a place called "Packers Country"

The guys planned on being back around dinner time on Wednesday evening, so we had everyone over to our house for a cookout. Erik, Matt and Matt were on the bike trip but Andy Lutz and his family also joined us for dinner. We had to get as much 'Newman' time in while they were in town (they live in Arkansas, which is much too far away). 
The token 'cram all the kids into one picture' picture---college was clearly a long time ago! And there is another Kuch baby coming this winter!

Sadie was most excited about getting to hold the newest addition to the crew....Joshua Calvin Lutz...he was only 2 weeks old in this picture!
I had to include several of these pictures....we attempted to get a picture of all the boys right before everyone left and boy was it hilarious! These boys were all having so much fun with each other but getting them to sit still enough for a picture just wasn't happening!
The guys had a great time on their trip and we had so much fun spending time together with friends. Of course, it's always too short and we can't wait to have Matt, Martha and Levi back again soon!