Thursday, October 11, 2012

Madison (cont. part II)

On Monday, we spent a couple of hours down at the union before we had to head back to the cities. Lots of pictures, food, games, fun and fam!!
Oh the duck lips of Blake!

Wyatt was on an "UNO" kick--he wanted to play all the time!
Oh dear...what a charmer!
Lots of conversations between these two (about what, I have no idea)
And while everyone else was sitting and enjoying lunch on a beautiful day in a beautiful place, Blake was looking for his next physical challenge. He thought the old, rickety pedestal legged tables would be a great launching pad...and yes, each time he jumped the table would tip backwards. 

The classic Union chairs--iconic to Madison and loved by all who live (or have lived) there!
Sadie saw this empty stage and immediately made it her own....
Usually there are bands playing there on the weekends with hundreds (or possibly thousands, I am horrible at estimating numbers) of people watching and enjoying the music. I took this picture just to show the full landscape of this stage...there is another level or chairs and tables behind me in this picture and all of them face the lake and, subsequently, the stage--which Sadie loved!
Off to feed some of the ducks

"Will the ducks respond to the duck lips?"
Let's just say that the ducks have gotten much more aggressive of the years...the ate right out of Sadie and Blake's hands..
..and was also the reason Wyatt stood this far away!
When we ran out of bread, they seemed to get more and more aggressive. Sadie and Blake looked at us a bit panicked as to what to do.
 So I said, "Just yell at them and shoo them away" and Sadie did just that. 
Fun times with Aunt Lindsay
The Bohlman girls
We had such a great time in Madison!!!
And since we aren't all together very often (like every few years), we had to get some group shots!!
The boys
And our fam..had to include these to show what a poser my daughter is!
Thanks for such a great time with the best family!