Tuesday, September 11, 2012

An August to Remember

August was by far the busiest month we have had as a family. We didn't spend a single weekend home as a family of five, and we were really feeling that by the end. BUT we also had SO much fun! My sister and her husband were in the states (from New Zealand) for the entire month and that, coupled with a few trips to Stormy Lake, made things a bit crazy but memorable at the same time.
Now school has started and things are winding down a bit, so I am hoping to get caught up on the last month. I had pictures from over 4 cameras and 3 different family members to try and compile before I started to document it all, so it's taken a bit of time. 

The very first day of the month, Matt and I fly out to Vancouver, BC to spend 5 days vacationing with Lindsay and Rob. We arrived in Vancouver the same day they arrived from New Zealand and it was the first time my sister and I had seen each other in just over two years. 

To say I was excited would be a gross understatement.....words can't express the anticipation I had boarding this plane.
And the flight from Seattle to Vancouver was possibly the most beautiful flight I have ever taken..since it's such a short flight, the plane stays quite low and we were able to see amazing views of Seattle, the coast and Vancouver.

Downtown Seattle
Doesn't that boat look incredibly tiny in such a huge ocean?
Vancouver...with amazingly beautiful mountains
Apparently the timber industry in Vancouver is pretty big and I was astonished by all the wood floating along the river...
A closer look...
We took the subway to Yaletown, a very yuppy, swanky area of town where we had rented a high-rise condo, that turned out to be perfect for the four of us. We were able to walk to some great restaurants, shopping, the seawall and beautiful architecture. 
After we got settled, we headed to this brewery for dinner.

We stopped by a local grocery/co-op-type store to pick up some food for the next few days. Matt and I were in the cereal aisle and came across this....a couple walking by at the same time said, "You have to get that stuff. It's amazing." Let's just say that by the end of our trip, Matt bought 5 more bags and smuggled them back into the states. We are just running out now and I am attempting to find a way to get more....although Wyatt was wondering why we would buy something with the word 'crap' on it!

 And that was our first day of August. 


Lindsay Borland said...

YESSSSSSS, the blog posts have started :) i can't wait for the rest!! love you!