Monday, September 17, 2012


Our second full day in Vancouver, we decided to rent a car and drive an hour and half north to Whistler. Matt and I have always wanted to go to Whistler, but I never thought my first time there would be in the summer! It's the largest ski resort in North America with over 8,000 skiable acres and runs up to 7 miles long. Seriously, doesn't that sound like heaven?! 
When we were planning our trip out west, neither Linds and Rob nor Matt and I were sure if we wanted to take the time to drive up there. But once we got to Vancouver and realized how close we really were, it seemed a shame to not spend a day up there, even if it was in the summer. And I am SO glad we did.....what a beautiful place! And I am even more excited to visit in the winter someday!

The drive from Vancouver to Whistler was just as amazing and beautiful as the town itself. I have always loved driving in the mountains, but driving in the mountains with the Pacific Ocean on the opposite side was just breathtaking. I kept asking if we could pull the car over and take pictures on the way up, but everyone assured me that we would take time to do that on the way home.

There are so many things to do in Whistler, even in the summer, but Matt was most excited about the downhill mountain biking. He had done it once in Colorado a few years ago and has been telling me how excited he was for me to try it someday. And Whistler is the downhill mountain biking capitol of the world, so what better place to check it out! Lindsay opted to spend some relaxing time in a coffee shop and being our photographer for the day, so it was just Matt, Rob and I. When Rob and I saw all the gear that was required and the speeds at which people were coming down the mountain, we both got a bit nervous about what we had gotten ourselves into. (especially when the experienced bikers out there had neck supports and spine and chest protectors on! YIKES!)
I love this picture...Matt and I still trying to get our gear figured out and Rob's all set to go!

At the bottom of the can see the runs behind us.
Ready to die Rock!
Ski runs are just as beautiful in the summer, aren't they?

So I didn't really know much about downhill mountain biking...basically, we never sit down on the seat  and use the brakes to navigate your way down the mountain (making sure to NEVER touch the front brake handle). And interestingly, many of the people working in the rental shop were from Australia and New Zealand, which turned out to be a good thing because apparently they have their front brake handle on the opposite side as we do! That could make for some interesting injuries if they hadn't switched it for Rob!
At the top....breathtaking views!
I brought my cell phone up with us to take a few pictures and I am so glad I did!
Matt getting some air!!
Rob doing the same (my apologies on the timing on the cellphone pics....I didn't quite get them at their highest but they were going so fast it was hard to time it!)
I have to say that the downhill mountain biking was was borderline terrifying and exhilarating, which I guess it what makes it fun, right? There were several hills where you had to go down hill at full speed in order to have enough momentum to get you up the next hill without stalling near the top and falling backwards....but if you got enough speed, it would automatically send you flying into the air. Craziness! And at a few points, the run was only about 6 ft. wide with a rock wall on one side and a creek about 15 ft. down a rock wall on the other side....I tried not to think about the possibilities too much and just get through it! But we all loved it and Matt and I can't wait until the kids are old enough to come out for a family trip someday. Something tells me Blake will love it!
I had to take this picture of Rob and Matt hosing down their shoes....these hoses at the bottom of the mountain are for bikers to wash off their bikes since they get so dirty and dusty. But of course we used them to clean off our shoes.
It really is a genius way of utilizing ski resorts in the summer and the lift tickets and gear rentals are almost as much as they are for snow skiing, so you know there is no shortage of revenue in the warmer months here! And the day we were there was one of the warmest they have had in years....upper 80s.
After our legs were exhausted (it was like doing wall sits for hours at a time), we met up with Linds and walked around the charming village of Whistler.
Gotta love the sweaty/stinky/dirty look!
How can you not love the beauty of ski towns?

Gelato was just what we needed!
Headed home.....
Along the highway, there were several spots to turn off and take pictures and I seriously wanted to stop at every single one (plus the car was a bit stinky with the three of us in there!) I took this picture after Matt missed the turn off and I pleaded with him to turn around and go back. He agreed, but the nearest point to turn around was about 3 miles down the road and it ended up taking about an extra 15 minutes....everyone was giving me trouble in the car but I think it was worth it! What's 15 minutes when you are in a place so beautiful that's hundreds (or thousands) of miles from home?
Two handsome guys...
(Rob had been icing his knees on the drive home--he's training for a marathon and is trying his best to keep the injuries at bay!)

Every time we are in the mountains, we are awed by God's magnificent creation and majesty. What an amazing Creator--and to think that he culminated it all by creating us! 
Heading back into Vancouver.
By the time we got back to our condo and cleaned up, it was almost 9pm. Dinner at a local brewery in Yaletown absolutely hit the spot!
This was possibly my favorite day of our entire time out west. I am SO glad we made the effort to get up to Whistler and I can't wait to go back in the winter someday! Linds and Rob, want to meet up again sometime?!