Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Amtrak Cascades

Our train left Vancouver at 6:30am and it was an amazing ride! To drive from Vancouver to Seattle would probably only take about an hour and a half and the train ride takes about 4 hours, but it was well worth the time! The views and the experience of riding in a train along the Pacific Ocean were breathtaking. I spent a lot of the time taking pictures and looking in amazement out the windows at the beauty of God's creation.
Inside of the Vancouver Amtrak Station

(You can see the front of our train in this picture)

The early morning fire alarm definitely took it's toll.

I had never travelled by train before but I have to say that I am a big fan...the four of us were at a table, so we could all read, work on our laptops, listen to music, get up and walk around, get food from the food car, use the restroom...Matt and I can't wait to take the kids someday! 

We had some great conversation around this table.
I love this picture...the train tracks were right at the edge of the water with the views of the mountains in the background.
We arrived in Seattle just before lunch and checked into out hotel and headed out to grab some lunch and check out the city.