Thursday, March 29, 2012

Another first....

Matt's practice has 4 seats at each Wild game and last week we got to take Wyatt and Sadie to a game. This was Sadie's first Wild game and she was really excited about it!

They were great seats!!

This is what our family looked like the entire game......
*the boys*

(this was within 5 minutes of the game starting)
I took this picture just to show how great our seats were and how little my daughter cared. Honestly, she would have felt so left out if we had left her at home, but at the same time I think she views the Wild game as a glorified version of Wyatt's games. The only thing she likes more at these games are the mini donuts!
One more picture with Sadie at the game as I'm not sure when we will be bringing her back!!