Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend --Part I

Our original plan for Labor Day weekend was to head up to Stormy Lake for one last time this summer. But as the weekend got closer, I began to feel the pressure of school starting on Tuesday and Matt had some talks he needed to work on for a conference he is speaking at this week. We went back and forth on the pros and cons, being so torn about what to do. When Matt looked at the weather forecast for the weekend on Wednesday night, however, we decided to stay in town. The highs on Saturday and Sunday were only in the low 60s up there, so not much skiing or swimming would probably be taking place. We were bummed out, though, because we were really looking forward to seeing Matt's sisters and his parents. That being said, we had a great and relaxing weekend here at home.
My parents decided to make a last minute trip up here Friday afternoon and we headed to the state fair on Saturday.

My Dad and Wyatt love playing games on the iPad together
In fact, I think my Dad may get more in to it than Wyatt does!
We couldn't have had better weather for the state fair.....high temps in the upper 60s! That's unheard of, but just my style1

Watching the parade

you'll notice a theme in this post....I know I sound like a broken record when I say this girl loves to dance, but once you have spent an entire day with her, I don't know if you can truly appreciate it! This was what she did during the parade whenever she heard any form of music

oh dear!

Of course 'baby' needed a ride on Sadie's shoulders when her feet got tired also!
Bet you didn't know you could dance in the back of a gator, did you?

The kids got to take turns sitting in this tractor that had a video simulator in it so it felt like they were really out in the fields

Sadie's favorite part of the fair was getting to see the little piggies. In the pen next to this one we were able to see 9 piggies that had been born over the previous 6 hours and the mother was still in labor. It truly was amazing!

...oh, and touching them!
Blake even took a turn petting them, although he was a bit more tentative
the mass of humanity

My mom is so great with little kids....she teaches Sunday school at their church to kids ages 18-24 months and she's been doing it for years. It is definitely a gift she has that I'm not sure I inherited. The patience and unending energy she has is amazing!

I also bet you didn't know that the end of a bench was another great place to dance!

and of course, we ate some wonderful fair food.....Blake loved the mini-donuts!

Thank goodness for Pops' piggy back rides or else I'm not sure we would have made it back to our car!


We had gone to the fair the week before as a family since we thought we would be gone Labor Day weekend and I took a few pictures with my phone that I thought I would include here. Sadie got to see (and pet!) a calf that had been born just about an hour earlier. She thought it was so great and I found it rather disgusting, although I didn't share that with her! But the mother was still cleaning the calf off!
This was what Blake looked like the entire time the kids were on rides....just longing to be out there instead of stuck in that stinkin' stroller!
My kids are still asking if they can get these hats, despite the fair being over. I think Matt and I may have to bring some cowboy hats back from Texas when we go at the end of the month.
How cool is this??? It's even spelled correctly!