Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend-Part II

My parents left on Sunday and we ended the day with a free concert/picnic at the park across the street from our house. It was for our entire development, so the kids spent the night playing games (3-legged races, gunny sack races, etc) with all their friends. The food was great and was donated by a few local restaurants.
Monday morning we went out for breakfast as a family (I can't remember the last time we did that) and then made a stop at Home Depot. We went in to get a new door handle for our back door and came out with a new storm day for the front door. So Matt spent part of Monday putting that on (you'll see it in the kids' first day of school pics) and I was so thankful!!! It lets in so much light and the top portion has a built-in screen that comes down for these beautiful fall days we are about to have!

While Matt was putting the door on, the kids and I grabbed the mail from the past few days that had been left in the mailbox (I have NO idea who left it in there!!) and they were so excited to get a package!!!! Can you tell?
My mother-in-law sent the kids a package for their first day of school. She made Sadie that cute little purse....
And they each got new pencils, Pop Rocks and M&Ms.
Blake got his own Pop Rocks and M&Ms as well!

We had a cookout with a few of our neighbors and then another neighbor from down the street gave the kids rides around the neighborhood on this!!
Have I mentioned how thankful I am for our neighbors?
This was the scene on the path between our house and our neighbors from about 2pm-6pm. The kids all played and we sat outside eating and talking! What a great way to end our summer!