Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stormy Lake with friends

Last weekend we went up to Stormy Lake with our good friends, the Kuchs. It was a great weekend, but with 5 kids under the age of 6 and 3 of them 2 yrs and under, we didn't get much sleep! We stayed up way too late talking and up early with kids, but we had a great time! The kids loved having other kids up at the lake with them (since its usually just our kids up there) and we managed to get some skiing and wakeboarding in.

Erik, Coby and Cooper
Cooper in his 'tent' to shield him from the sun....I think my kids loved this thing more than Cooper even did!

Angie's first time skiing in about 5 years...she got up on her first try and did awesome!

My turn....getting better each time out, but still a ways to go to catch up to the guys

The boat crew....
These guys were the best 'cheerleaders'!!
And Matt's turn.....not sure it can get any better than this!

Blake's turn....I have no doubt he will be a great skier/wakeboarder in the near future!

Sadie loved having a baby around and couldn't get enough of helping out with Cooper

She sat on the blanket playing with Cooper for at least an hour while the boys played baseball and football. She seriously loves babies!

What would a trip to Stormy be without SMORES???


I love the look Coby and Blake are giving each other behind Wyatt and Sadie!
Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures of Erik wakeboarding....he had some great jumps but of course it was when we left the camera in the house. We are heading back up this weekend for what will probably be our last time up there for the summer!! Thanks to the Kuchs for making the long trip up with us and hopefully we can do it again next summer!