Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sadie's Dance Recital

Last weekend we had Sadie's much-anticipated dance recital. And yes, it was much-anticipated by all of us, but even more so by Sadie. She has been practicing her routines (tap and ballet) almost daily and couldn't wait to 'get up on stage'.

Matt, Pops and Wyatt went golfing so the girls (+ Blake) headed out. Sadie has been asking when she can go to a spa again, ever since we went with all the Sorensen women at Christmas (courtesy of my mother-in-law). Clearly Sadie loved that because she has been talking about it ever since, so I figured the day of her dance recital would be a fun time to go again.
And the girl was beyond giddy!

We went out for lunch at her choice--Noodles and Co.--and then came home and got ready for the recital.

Picture time!!!!

Wyatt was so proud of Sadie!!
(these poses were not prompted at all---this girl just loves the spotlight!)

I only took a few pictures of the recital because we had the video, but you can see what a great job Sadie did. She remembered every step, right on time and was so graceful. I couldn't be prouder of her!!
Sadie and her favorite teacher, Miss Annie

..with her flowers from Nani, Pops and MJ and then also a bouquet from us

..with Aunt Mary Jo..

I snapped this picture of Sadie and Matt as they were walking out to the car...it was one of those moments I just wanted to soak up because I know it will be coming back to me in about 12 years when she is 16...wanting that little girl back...so I enjoyed having that little girl to the fullest today and she walked away from her first dance recital, holding her Daddy's hand!!

And here is the video.....

If you ask Sadie what her favorite part of the recital was, it fluctuates between 'being on stage' and 'the audience clapping'. Do you think this girl loves the spotlight? She keeps asking when she can go on stage again, and unfortunately I have to be the bearer of bad news and tell her that she has to wait another year! But I am so glad that she loved it so much

4-year old dance picture


Lindsay Borland said...

ohmygoodness, sades loves the attention & spotlight! she is not shy at all! i can't wait to watch the video from home tonight!
we are so proud of her!
uncle rob + aunt linds

Lindsay Borland said...

rob and i watched the video last night and we could not help but crack up at how good sadie's hip moves were ... watch out!!! we loved, LOVED seeing it!