Tuesday, June 14, 2011


A few random pictures from the last few weeks...

This is how Sadie likes to color....notice the rainbow of colors on the hair and tights...she uses so many different colors and is meticulous about it, then gets tired of coloring and just finishes the pictures by scribbling (which drives Wyatt--my follow-the-rules child--nuts!)

Wyatt drew this on Sunday in church...we were in Madison and so the kids got to come to 'big church' with us...the sermon was about Jonah and the whale...

Blake's newest hiding place in the mudroom area...Wyatt ran out the back door and left it open and I looked around in the back hallway and couldn't find Blake...I started yelling, "Blake! Blake!" and looked at my sister, who was staying with us, and said, "Oh no...we have to find Blake." I had visions of him out in the street and couldn't see him anywhere...I was freaking out...and then as I turned to come back inside the back door, I spotted Blake sitting in the closet, in the dark....just smiling..knowing that he had freaked me out and completely fooled me! Oh dear...what is awaiting me with this kid?!

Wyatt's last day of Kindergarten....how did this year go so fast?

We found this tiny little bird in a nest in our backyard.....and the kids have been checking on it almost everyday!

Blake's most-common posture

Blake's favorite activity....mowing with Daddy
(notice the posture)
At least once a day Blake says , "Daddy mow....Daddy mow...Daddy mow"


Lindsay Borland said...

i love how proud blakers looks of his new hiding spot!