Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kindergarten Field Trip

Each year the Kindergarten classes at Wyatt's school take an end-of-the-year field trip to the Hugo Farm. Wyatt has been so excited about this field trip and on Tuesday, he asked why I couldn't come along with his class. (This is one of the downsides to being the oldest--your mom can't be as involved with the classroom activities because she has two younger kids at home to take care of!) As I was explaining why I couldn't come, it dawned on me that with my sister staying with us this week, I might actually be able to join Wyatt's class! I scrambled to contact his teacher and see if I could still come along and then asked my sister if Sadie and Blake could stay with her for the morning. It all came together at the last minute and Wyatt was elated to have me join them--and the weather couldn't have been better!

Lawson, Wyatt and Titus

Gracie and Wyatt on the hayride

What would a field trip be without some wrestling while they are supposed to be standing in line?

Wyatt and Gracie are like brother and sister. Gracie lives 2 houses away from us and they play with each other everyday. Thankfully they were put in the same Kindergarten class and it's been such a great year for both of them. They can fight like siblings at times, but they really look out for each other as well.
This absolutely cracked me up....the kids were all lined up listening to the farmer talk about the horses and Wyatt raised his hand and kept it up for about 5 minutes (farmers, apparently, aren't used to noticing a child with their hand raised....he just kept on talking!)
All the parents were dying to hear what Wyatt was going to was I! And he asked if the horses had horseshoes on--which was fitting after having spent time up at Stormy Lake and playing horseshoes with Papa.

Titus, Joe and Wyatt

Wyatt holding one of the chicks
(He wasn't crazy about this part...he said he didn't like the chick flapping its wings)

Wyatt's class
He had such a great class this year--great kids, great families, small class and a great teacher!
I think Wyatt gave me about 10 hugs throughout the field trip and said 'hi' or waved to me just as many times. He clearly loved having me there and I was so thankful I was able to make it!!