Saturday, June 25, 2011

Father's Day

Sunday we celebrated Father's Day and I think it may have been the best Father's Day we have done for Matt. We had gone to church on Saturday evening, so we had a relaxing morning at home. We made some coffee cake and stayed in our pajamas for longer than I am usually comfortable with, but I have to admit it was relaxing and the kids loved it. Then around lunchtime, Matt, Wyatt, Sadie and I went Maxwell's for lunch (Matt's favorite place for wings) and then on to the Twins game. (Matt's brother Tyler stayed with Blake, who naps everyday from about 1-4pm, so the game would have been a horrible idea for him! Everyone had a much more enjoyable time and Blake was just waking up when we got home.)
The twins won in the 9th inning and we were even able to see a homerun (=fireworks at Target Field). We got home and then Wyatt had baseball practice, which was actually a father-son game in honor of Father's Day. Wyatt had so much fun and at the end of the day, he said that was his favorite part of the day! Sadie and Blake and I went along to watch for a bit and take a few pictures.

Wyatt wanted to wear his Twins jersey he had worn to the Twins game

...almost made it!

Then we came home and Matt got to go for a bike ride on his new bike with his brother. We got him a new bike for Father's Day and he could not wait to try it out. (He had to know ahead of time to get fitted for it and get the clips changed, but he was no less excited---thankfully he doesn't care about surprises like I do.)

Blake...the little operator...watching Uncle Ty

Matt had been telling the kids how his new bike would help him go faster (it's incredibly light) and the kids stood in the driveway and asked Matt to bike as fast as he could
It was such a beautiful night that we played outside for the entire hour while Matt and Ty were gone and then had dinner afterwards. When he got home, Blake couldn't wait to get on the bike. Maybe Matt will have a racing partner someday!
It was a great Father's Day and Matt said it was perfect....relaxing, spending time with family, good workout, great food, great really couldn't have been a better day for a better guy. Matt is such a wonderful Dad and I am so thankful we could make his day so special. We are at a very busy stage in our lives right now but Matt seems to be able to do it all.....spending time with the Lord every morning, working out and staying in shape, working hard to provide for our family and give his patients the best care, serving his wife constantly, helping around the house and taking time to play with the kids and 'be present' when he is with us, despite how tired or exhausted he may be. We are so blessed to have such a great man in our lives. Happy Father's Day babe!!!


Lindsay Borland said...

i love wyatt's concentration while playing baseball! love all the fun summer pics!