Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Just another day in the life of a mom

So I don't have any pictures for this post and once you read the story, you will be thankful. This is one of those posts that will hopefully make you laugh but will also be a reminder to me of what this stage in life is like! Because I do know that it won't last forever, even though somedays feel like they will last forever. Ok, enough of the disclaimer....let's get to the story.

I was in the doctor's office for an appointment I had and needed to give a urine sample (I know, already too much information, but bear with me.) I had Sadie and Blake with me, which was a good thing because I don't change or go to the bathroom in front of Wyatt anymore, so he would have had to stand in the hallway anyway. I used the restroom that was in the hallway right outside all the patient rooms and brought Blake and Sadie in with me (something I was telling Matt he can't even begin to appreciate--going to the bathroom or a doctor's appointment alone!) Sadie, being very inquisitive, asked, "Mommy, how do you know where you are going to go potty? How can you tell if it's going to go in the cup" (another thing Matt can't appreciate)

So I assumed the 'position' of hovering while holding the cup when all of a sudden the door to the restroom flies open and Blake takes off like he has just escaped captivity. I panic because I can't chase him in my current state, can't finish going to the restroom and pray that no one walks by the door on the way to their rooms.

I yell, "Sadie, shut the door! Shut the door!"
And she replies, "But Mommy, Blake just....."
Me: "Sadie, just shut the door!" and she did--thank goodness!!

I finished what I was doing, washed my hands and entered the hallway, hoping that someone had grabbed Blake on his escape to freedom. As Sadie and I sheepishly opened the door, we were greeted by my doctor, who was holding Blake in her arms, and a few nurses who were just laughing at the entire scene.

Thankfully the rest of the visit went off without a hitch but leave it to Blake to give us something to talk about for a few days.

So hopefully someday when I have a doctor's appointment and I am alone, I will remember the adventures I once had just to get out of there with all my kids and my sanity!


The Paulk's said...

Made me laugh out loud, I totally saw where that story was going...I had to take Riley and Lincoln to all my appts when I was pregnant with Emmersyn and I had a very similiar experience! Glad it turned out well! :)