Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Food, Food, and more Food

With so many people traveling from New Zealand, my mom had a full house of people for several meals. So we spent a good amount of time preparing food and eating--what better way to meet everyone! Some of the best memories we have from this week were from our time in my parents home, enjoying food and drink with great friends and new friends.

Mom, me and Lindsay Dasher

Lindsay, Marie-Therese (soon-to-be mother-in-law), Dasher and Steph

Rob and Linds attempting a serious conversation about wedding details while Wyatt 'patiently' waits his turn

Loving the 'kids table' at Nani and Pops' house

Wyatt and Sadie love Rob (and I so appreciate the time he takes to spent time with them)
Rob also introduced my kids to 'ginger beer'--very similar to Ginger Ale--and it can only be purchased at World Market since it's from Australia

Nani and Sadie enjoying some time