Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blake's 1st year is halfway over

Yes, we have officially reached the halfway mark to Blake's first birthday....crazy! But rather than go on and on about how fast it has gone, I'll just give you the stats and milestones.......

at his 6mos. checkup, he was a whopping 22lbs, 28inches!!!!

And as you can see, sits up on his own and loves it!

Discovered his drawstring one day, leading to minutes of frustration in not being able to get it into his mouth!

....spending time with the happily married couple...

...and officially reached the stage of pulling on any earrings and long hair that is within reach (I just love the face of Rob's mum as it is exactly how my kids feel when Blake pulls their hair!)

...happy to spend time with any willing participant...

...ADORES his Daddy and always reached to give him hugs when he gets home (as you can see he was doing here)

..finally eating table foods and sitting in his highchair at the table with us!!!

He continues to be a complete joy to us. Wyatt and Sadie love being able to help more with him and have not only taken to feeding him his food, but also sampling his food (and liking most of it!) He is a great sleeper and eater----but spends most of his time smiling!!!