Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Remembering the 'Lasts'

I've heard many mothers say that you we often remember and document our kids' 'firsts' but not their 'lasts', often because we don't know what something is going to be their 'last'. But last week Wyatt had his last day of preschool and I made sure to try and document this milestone as much as I did his first day of preschool just 9 months ago. And wow, did it ever go fast! I can't even believe it. He grew so much this year--intellectually, physically, and socially. I am so proud of him and all he accomplished!

Wyatt had his school program a few days before his last day of school, so I included some of those pictures as well. I love the smile on his face and how much he enjoyed being with his friends from school.

Sadie was enthusiastically joining Wyatt and the other kids in doing the motions for the songs....this girl is just dying to go to school!

Wyatt and Mrs. Meyer

Updated picture.....This was the last picture Wyatt drew of his family that was hanging above his hook at school.....

Of course Sadie also wanted her picture taken with Mrs. Meyer--we are sad that Mrs. Meyer is moving and won't be Sadie's teacher in the fall, but Sadie did get to meet her teacher a few months ago and was so excited to see her at the program.

The morning of his last day---joining Daddy in the study before school

Wyatt and Justin

In line with his buddies Sammy and Justin to watch their hands right when they came in to the classroom

Wyatt has grown so much this year in terms of his confidence in himself and his ability to function and thrive apart from me (although he still likes to be by my side most of the time, he really learned that not only is he okay when he's not with me, but he can grow and learn as well!)
Here he is signing in---the first thing he had to do each day when he got to school--notice the left leg out to the side, ready to bolt out of his chair and go play as soon as he got done

It was a great year of preschool and Wyatt will now proudly tell you that he is a Kindergartner. I am so excited to have him home with us everyday this summer and know that the fall will bring another adjustment of going to school everyday, but thankfully it's only halfday!