Thursday, March 4, 2010

St. Peter, here we come...

This past Saturday we visited our good friends Drew and Jen in St. Peter. As we were driving down there, Matt and I realized that not only are Drew and Jen some of our closest friends, but we have really lived parallel lives. Matt, Drew and Jen all went to Bethel, Matt and Drew both went to DMU, we all lived in the same house in White Bear Lake during 4th year of school (not at the same time--Drew was one year ahead of Matt), both families had their firstborns (both sons) within a few months of each other, then both had girls within 6 weeks of each other and now Jen is expecting their 3rd (a boy, of course) in 3 weeks. I know there are more similarities, but it's pretty crazy! Anyways, we had a great time with them.

Sadie and Ellison playing dolls

Reading books while the boys played hockey

While the girls took naps, I snuck over to the rink to take pictures of the boys. It was a beautiful day (35 degrees) and as you can see, the boys were getting pretty warm!

....according to Matt and Drew, the boys did a fair amount of this as neither of them knows how to stop yet.......but apparently they learned how to trip each other and actually found it quite funny!

Does it look like these girls had a little fun together??

You'd never know it by looking at this picture, but Sadie got the stomach flu that night around 2am! Poor thing!
Our initial plan was to leave right after dinner, until someone at the rink told Matt and Drew that Gustavus Adolphus (college) was playing in the MIAC playoff game that night at 7pm. So when they got home from playing hockey, we put the boys down for a late nap, ate some dinner, and then headed to the game at 7pm. It was an amazing game and ended up being the longest in Div.III history. We left around 10pm (after the first OT) since we still had an hour and a half drive home. But it went until 1 min. left in the 4TH OT!!!! And Gustavus won--which was great not only because they were the home team but also because Wyatt's BSF teacher has a son on the team and we got to see her at the game! It was a late night, but well well worth it!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how crystal clear those photos are. I just might make the big investment. Drew already said he in on board. Drew said "we should get it before the birth" and Kael was right there and said "dad, we've already been birthed". Funny. Gotta love the things they say. Thanks again for coming down! It was a great time!