Thursday, March 18, 2010

Like Father, Like Son

Today was the big day......Wyatt got glasses. I have to admit that I have had a bad attitude about this ever since the day we found out he needed them. I shouldn't have been too surprised since it runs in Matt's family and Matt got glasses at the same age, but I was just praying that our kids wouldn't need them so early in life. There are many reasons why I was hoping they wouldn't need them--they are pain to deal with when it comes to sports and being an active boy, it's harder to take good pictures with them, it's harder to see those precious eyes with them on, and to be completely honest, it's a vanity issue as well. Silly, I know, but it was still hard for me to hear that he did indeed need them. And not only did he need glasses, but the doctor told us that since his astigmatism is so bad in both eyes, he's actually never seen clearly! Poor guy! So giving my child clear vision is much more important than physical appearance and I have slowly come to terms with this. We looked high and low for some cute frames and we found some that look "just like Daddy's". There were other frames we really liked, but the selection isn't great for a 5-year old. But since he'll be wearing them for awhile, I'm sure we'll have many different styles to experiment with. He just got them today and he's been doing really well. The doctor told us that things wouldn't immediately be clearer for him since his brain doesn't know what 'clear' is and has been trying to compensate his whole life, so we'll need to encourage him to wear them all the time. We'll see how he does with them at hockey this weekend! But so far he's been a great sport about it!

(Don't mind the messy hair....these were taken just after naps!)


Anonymous said...

Very cute. They suit his face perfectly! I didn't even notice his "messy" hair - still don't even after you mentioned it! :) Anyway, he is especially adorable now!! Jen Lu

Grant and Jenni said...

He looks great! So grown up. And you can definitely still see his beautiful eyes. :)

The Paulk's said...

I remember when Matt had them when he was young, actually didn't Tyler and Mollie as well??! Wyatt looks adorable in them, I think they're super cute!! (and I'm not just saying that :))

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness does he look like matt when he was a kid!!!

Mary Jo said...

Total spitting image of Matt! He's absolutely adorable....however to be honest, I'm glad I don't need glasses so far (keeping the fingers crossed)

joan said...

You picked some great looking frames.
It's very nice that the styles are for smaller lenses and frames now rather than the BIG ones that were so popular when Matt was little.
Wyatt will love his new found sight and all too soon, he will graduate to contacts. Life is continually changing. :-)

Our Family said...

LOVE the glasses - he looks so handsome! Elle likes them too ;)