Friday, March 26, 2010

Party Time

We had a little birthday party for Sadie last Saturday with our friends The Kuchs and my parents. I am not a big fan of huge birthday parties (especially when kids are this young--I mean, where do you go from here if they get a huge party for turning 3 or 5?!) It was perfect. I always let the kids pick what kind of cake they want me to make and what they want to eat. So Sadie chose a Dora cake and Papa John's Pizza. It was very low-key and we all had a great time! Sadie especially enjoyed the extra attention!

Erik and the birthday girl

Pops and Blake

Anticipating the excitement of opening her presents...

the classic move--shaking the package and trying to guess what's inside

Her 1st piece of 'real' jewelry....I got her a cute little flower necklace just from me

Closing her eyes as Daddy brought in her final gift.....

...seeing it...

...riding it!

She loved the new Hello KItty jammies from Nani and Pops and played with her gifts the rest of the night. Wyatt and Blake went to bed fairly early, so Sadie really soaked up all the extra attention and being able to 'stay up late' on her birthday. It was a fun night for everyone and Sadie has been enjoying her bike with this warm weather we are having....bring on Spring!


steph said...

please tell me you did not make that cake...if you did that is incredible.