Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blake at 3 months old

Blake is 3 mos. old this week and still the best baby (I keep waiting for that to change, but I think it's safe to say he'll stay this way!). He weighs 17lbs, 5oz and is a great eater/sleeper. He usually goes to bed around 9pm and then gets up only once around 4am. I'd like to try and push that back to 5am so then I could just stay up and get my workout in and spend some time working on my Bible study and praying, but I won't push my luck! He is so loved around here......

Such a little mommy......I asked Sadie to hold Blake so I could take a picture and she didn't miss a beat by picking up his burp cloth so that he wouldn't get his outfit dirty!

His latest......he reaches for everything and will then stare at his hands, like, "What is that?"


The Paulk's said...

What a chunk (a cute one at that)...what are you feeding that kid?! :) He's going to pass up both Riley and Lincoln in the weight category soon! Glad he's such a good baby for you!

steph said...

blake! you are a growing champ! charlie is almost 1 year and is probably only 22 lbs. looks like he is loving the extra attention!