Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2022 Winter Olympics

Can you tell we've been watching just a bit of the winter olympics?? Matt and I absolutely love the olympics, especially the winter olympics, and have forced the kids to watch them with us just about every night. (Their slippers have now become their speed skates.....but each night it's a different sport we're practicing.)

Pretty good form, if I do say so myself!


Anonymous said...

sadie is concentrating so hard ... that's usually what wyatt does!!! such a fun pic!!!

JoanBohlman said...

Love the attention to detail. In the first picture, Wyatt has every detail down pat. In the picture with Sadie, Wyatt is trying so hard to get Sadie focused on the details. Love it!!!!

Michelle said...

I just saw your post on my blog so I headed over to your's...that is too funny! I think Brayden, Maddie, Sadie and Wyatt would have so much pretending to speed skate together!:)