Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Ok, this is my final post from Thanksgiving weekend--not sure if I'll ever feel like I'm caught up, but I'm doing my best! We brought our tree home and I began my job of putting the lights on the tree. I have to say that I am a bit of a "light nazi" when it comes to how the lights are placed on the tree. I hate having the cord showing and want to make sure the lights are evenly spaced and make it look like a lit tree instead of a tree with strings of lights around it--does that make sense? So I started doing the lights while the kids took naps so that we'd be able to decorate when they woke up. But I hadn't anticipated how long it would take me! We always get a frasier fir tree and this year opted for a different kind--BIG mistake. This tree has incredibly painful needles and I had to wear Matt's long gloves just to put the lights on (see pic below). And I also didn't have enough working lights from last year, so halfway through my sister and I had to run to Target to get more! By the time I was finishing, the kids were quite anxious, as you can see, and Sadie wanted to be right there with me.

Sadie was so excited when she saw the bubble lights (you can see one of them in this picture). Matt bought these lights the first year we were married and loves them. I personally think they are ultra cheesy and tacky, but he loves them and he's now got the kids on his side---I think this is a losing battle for me!

Her reaction when she touched the needles on the tree--"Owee Mommy!"

We have adopted the tradition of Matt's family to have bottled Cokes while we decorate our tree. As you can see from this picture, I think this was the highlight for Wyatt! He was so excited to get to have his own 'pop' (since he's usually not allowed to have any).
We had such a great weekend with my parents and sister in town. My mom, Mary Jo, and I did the Black Friday shopping and breakfast and got to spend some awesome time together (we missed you Lindsay!) Got to see the new James Bond movie (another tradition in our family) and get ready for Christmas. What a great time we all had! And we can't wait to come home for Christmas.


Anonymous said...

please keep the new posts coming! such a fun sorensen tradition that you guys are carrying on while decorating your tree! i miss you guys and the smell of a fresh christmas tree!!!