Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Day with Sorensens

As I wrote in the last post, we are so blessed to have both families living in the same city, about 15 minutes apart. AND both families go to the same church, so we get to go to church with both families on Christmas Eve.

Sorensen Family at Church

After church, we headed back to the Sorensens for the rest of our time in Madison. We had some great appetizers after church on Christmas Eve and got ready for the big day!

I love this picture--looking through the glasses of Egg Nog at Aunt Mollie holding Sadie, who was laughing hysterically!
Christmas Morning.....we never know how early Wyatt will get up on Christmas Day, especially since he'll often wake up before 6am on a regular day! But thankfully he slept until about 6:30 and we were able to hold him off from waking everyone else until around 7. For us, this was pretty late---for everyone else in the Sorensen family, not so much! But when you see Wyatt's little face peering across your pillow, saying, "Merry Christmas! It's time to get up!", it's pretty hard not to smile and oblige him.

Santa brought Sadie a tea set and apron, hat, and oven mit

And he brought Wyatt new skates, a racecar track, Packers t-shirt, and a hockey figurine

Of course we had to try on the skates to make sure he got the right size--which he magically always does!

I had to take this picture because this seems to happen every year. At least one of Wyatt's gifts is always of great interest to Matt and his brothers--last year it was the mini hockey set, this year the race track!

It's tradition at Grammy and Papa's to have monkey bread on Christmas morning, and of course the coffee is always flowing. Wyatt had hot chocolate--but held it just like all the adults did! Notice the new Packers T?!
Sadie cracking us all up--she is such a little entertainer. And she didn't disappoint with all her aunts and uncles laughing at her and thinking everything she did was 'so cute'!

Grammy and Pap got Sadie her first American Girl Doll-a Bitty Baby! She loved opening it with Grammy and putting the diaper on her. Wyatt and Sadie with Grammy and Papa in their new bathrobes
Putting on the lipstick that came in her new purse--can't have too many of those!
The kids were definitely spoiled, yet again, by both sets of grandparents! Matt and I kept our gifts for the kids to a minimum and it made everything so much simpler( at least for us).
And when you have to drive home for Christmas, it also keeps the gifts to a minimum because everything has to be able to fit in our car to take it back home.