Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Eve with Bohlmans

We celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve with my side of the family. We woke up Christmas Eve morning to see this out my parents back window.......beautiful snow falling!!!
It was picturesque.

My kids are very blessed to have both sets of grandparents in the same city. As a result, Santa comes twice and they love it! The kids were excited to wake up and see if Santa had eaten his cookies and milk--Sadie was mostly excited to eat his leftovers!

I love the excitement on their faces!

Wyatt enjoyed getting to help everyone open their gifts.

Helping Pops set up his new hi-hat stand

These pics are just hilarious. My mom get a 'small box' from my Dad, which always means something great! So Wyatt was reacting to our discussions about my Dad going over my parents agreed budget for each other. You can see the progression of emotions....

Sadie got a new purse from Nani and Pops, complete with a wallet and 'credit cards' (used gift cards my mom collected from stores) and a driver's license they made for her. She loved the purse and wouldn't let it out of her sight. While we were opening our gifts, she went and put her shoes on, grabbed her vest, and walked around the house like this for what seemed like forever. It just cracked us all up!

Enjoying the snow after all the gifts

Mary Jo and Wyatt--can you believe how high the snow was?

Nani holding pouty Sadie. She was so tired and was having a hard time being happy outside after an hour or so. But she was not happy about having to go in while we were outside!

Snow almost as tall as Wyatt

Shovelling with Pops

Pops pulling Wyatt up the hill

Matt, Wyatt and I stayed outside for hours and dug lots of tunnels in the snowbanks.

Going to church on Christmas Eve----one of my favorite church services of the year!

"Why can't I wear your shoes Mommy?"

We had a great time with my family--but we missed you Lindsay! Our first Christmas without her and hopefully our last:) We all got some really fun gifts, but more than anything, we enjoyed being with our family and being able to spend some much needed time together. And thank goodness for all the snow--we couldn't get enough of it!