Friday, October 3, 2008

A new discovery

I have often been told by people that my kids' names, Wyatt and Sadie, go so well together. Of course we thought so, but today I ran across something online that I can't believe I hadn't heard about before.
When we first told family members that our 1st-born child was a boy and his name was Wyatt, many asked us, "Like Wyatt Earp?" And at the time, that was the only Wyatt we had ever heard of. Since then there have been others, but today I found out that Wyatt Earp's wife's name was Sadie! Can you believe it?
Wyatt and Sadie Earp---no wonder they sound so great together!
I thought maybe we could look to the Earp clan for our next child's name (no, we are not expecting) because I do feel like the next name should 'fit' with Wyatt and Sadie.
But my mind changed when I saw the names Virgil, Adelia, and Warren. No offense to anyone with those names, but I think we'll keep looking.


Our Family said...

I totally think you should choose Virgil for a boy - we were going to use it, but since your such good friends go ahead :)