Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Need or a Want??

That has been my question for the week. What is a real 'need' and what is a real 'want'? The reason? On Monday we found out that our Jeep was in need of serious repairs totalling way more money than we currently have. So after much deliberation and weighing of our options (or lack thereof) we realized that Matt couldn't go without a car, so the kids and I would. At least until we can save enough to get it fixed. It's looking like the next several months will be a bit more difficult than I had anticipated, but I'm trying to stay positive. There will be a lot of things we'll learn to go without on a daily basis but I think the hardest part will be the lack of independence for me. So I'm sure you'll hear more about this in the days to come and more about the creative things we are doing...or maybe asking for creative ideas!


Advice Gals said...

kris that is a huge bummer! you can have my moped!!!

The Paulk's said...

That is a bummer! I'm so sorry to hear that, we may be in the same situation soon though.

There are so many ideas online to keep kids busy, that maybe it won't be as bad if you can get some of those??? Too bad we aren't closer or we'd love to come visit.

Michelle said...

Shaving cream...on rainy or snowy days when we're stuck inside I've done this and it kept Brayden entertained for a LONG time! And, it was an easy clean-up. I stripped him down to his underwear and gave him a big cookie sheet, he covered it in shaving cream and we added his play dishes, utensils, etc. I just bought some more the other day so we could do that again soon, Maddy will love it this year too.
Also, in the dead of winter when it was too cold to play outside I filled the bath tub with snow and put on their snowpants, boots and mittens. I brought them lots of stuff to play with in it and again it kept Brayden entertained that day for HOURS. He claimed that winter day as one of his best days ever! It is a bit messy and time consuming but well worth it! Hope you're in walking distance to some fun places, that will help!